Monday, April 19, 2010

I'll catch you, Tyler

Last week, i took Tyler to the park. He was so excited! Especially because he was going to take his big boy bike to the park and ride the bike trails with his best friend Zachary. As i got his bicycle out of the car, his friend walked up and put his arms around Tyler. I just couldn't get over how good it is to see him with friends. I mean--real friends. The kind that have your back. The kind that stand up for you, or don't leave you even if you've got a huge popsicle stain on your shirt.

Zachary and Tyler got on their bikes right away, and they slipped ahead of me just a bit. They were weaving, from one curve to the next until Tyler got the idea that it would be fun to go fast. (Note:: He is his father's child. Anything fast is a must)He kept swerving, squealing and loosing control until he crashed into a tree ahead of him.

He just starred at me for a second. Honestly, i was scared to move. I didnt want to embarass him like i usually did by going mother bear on him. He looked back at Zach and said, "Zachary, im hurt. rescue me!" Out of nowhere, as if his spider senses were tingling Zach braked that Diego bicycle of his and jumped off and ran to Tyler's rescue. He gave him a big hug and told him, "Ty, as long as you get back on its all good."

He fell off again, and again. But Zach was so patient, and loving and good to him. He gave Tyler something to believe in.

Good friends are hard to find. Especially, when you remember the silly fights you got into with your friends. And how they hurt you sometimes. Thats why as a mom you know that even the good ones will dissapoint you. But, by giving your kid the chance to get out there and find at least one true special friend, means that your giving them more than your risking. Your teaching them to be vibrant.

Because sometimes, being a mom means risking your own feelings to let your child go out and discover their own with someone special. Whether its a friend, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or learning that sometimes your mom can be your best friend of all, that is, after they've grown up.