Sometimes just being there is all that matters. And if anybody knows about being there its Dad. Maybe its something Dads pass down to their sons and their sons and so forth. Whatever makes them do some of the most important things for kids is truly a blessing. Here are just a few examples of how Dad's everywhere show being there is not just a gift to you as a Dad but to your sweet baby, even as they grow into adults. It really is true when parents say, "You know, you'll always be my baby."
Let's play ball, dad- Whether your kids are getting fired up for cheerleading, tap dancing, or sliding into home plate, Dad would never miss it. Even if that means working late, a ton more stress,driving an extra 50 miles or missing his favorite game on tv, no matter what...Dad's gonna be there.
Hold me, Daddy- Three year olds can have bad days just like anyone else. Believe me, nothing helps a bad day more than burrying their face into Daddy's chest. They hold them so tight that it seems like nothing in the world could ever harm them. Daddy is our shield.
Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar, Dad.- Its so funny to me, how Tyler never seems to want to share anything. But, as soon as Daddy buys him a candy bar he always insists on sharing it with him. It may be a while before Tyler shares with the world on his own, but sometimes starting in simple places leads people to the biggest and best places of all. Sure, Tyler may never be President of the United States but i know that as long as Dad shows him the way he will be a truly wonderful person.
There's probably not enough space in this endless textbox for me to write why Dad is so amazing. But im pretty sure theres some good spiritual reasons behind it. So break off a piece of that kit kat bar with your dad. Pray with him. Slide into home plate with him right behind you in the bleachers. Enjoy your favorite movie together. Whatever you do, just know you'll always be their baby.
"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as i'm living,
my baby you'll be." - "Love you forever"
so sweet!