Thursday, June 10, 2010

# 1 thing no one told you about parenting -->The Scream

If you have ever been in the room with a child from the ages of 1-4 you probably have heard some very special things. A blood curteling scream, fists pounding against the floor, a light giggle or some of the wisest things you have ever heard.

Here is usally how a day with a three year old goes...
(Right after they wake up approx 8 am)
Sometimes they say really sweet words that make your heart flutter. And when you're their mama it makes you want to cry. But then you snap back to reality and know how blessed you are.
eg: "Momma you are my very best friend. I miss you every time i dont see you."

(3 hours later approx 11 am)
By this time its been a while since they have had anything really fun to do. Sucking up to mom and dad isn't quite getting the reaction it did at first. Here comes the fun. You know, jumping off of your couch and nearly breaking their neck.Mom keeps getting onto them. Running around like they were raised by wolves and bumping their heads into every jagged corner. Eventually, both of you are slowly starting to loose it. The Question is...who loses it first?

(3 pm)

Sometimes you get lucky. And the Kid doesn't freak out. But most of the time you better watch your back, and invest in some ear plugs.

My Son Tyler enjoys screaming. I'm almost sure of it. He screams when he's happy. He screams when he's sad. He screams when he's laughing. He screams when he's anxious and sometimes i feel like my poor throbbing ears may explode.

Thats when i start to tease him. "You sound like a crop duster (a farm airplane) hovering over me, but you're just not quite sure if you want to crash into me or not." Then, he screams some more.

Momma looses it first. Ten Points for team Tyler.

Its funny sometimes how people always say, "enjoy him while he's this young and small." But somedays i just want to laugh in their face. I love him more than anything and yet the scream that is about as appealing as spoiiled milk will hopefully become either a repressed or distant memory.

1 comment:

  1. That Tyler, what a mess! Good thing he is so cute! ;-)
